Crochet at Camp

Well, I am finally back after a wonderful week at camp. The weather started off wet and windy but as the week progressed the sun came out. In fact, some parts of me are a little pink despite wearing factor 50 sun cream! The kids were a delight and I enjoyed a stunning view of the sea practically all day every day.


I wasn’t sure how I would survive a week without knitting, but I needn’t have worried as a colleague brought along some wool and a set of crochet hooks. She taught me (and a few kids) to create chains and then simple granny squares. After a couple of hours in the sun – and one burnt hand later – I was well on my way to creating a colourful granny square.


Here is the finished product with the ends tied in. I think I may create more with left over yarn from knitting to slowly create a blanket. Now that I’ve had a good soak in the bath and put LOADS of washing on, my thoughts are turning to buying yarn tomorrow for my next knitting project…


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